Grant review panels
The role of a reviewer
What we expect of reviewers
Be able to commit to reviewing at least 6 proposals per year, spread across one or more of our review cycles (see our Roadmap for the most up-to-date schedule).
Join a group call with other reviewers to discuss shortlisted proposals.
Sign a confidentiality agreement.
Notify us of any conflicts of interest that arise.
Withdraw from the panel ahead of any grants cycle in which you intend to submit a proposal.
Benefits of being a reviewer
Although we are unable to offer financial compensation at this time, there are several other benefits to being a reviewer:
Gain a deeper understanding of wild animal welfare and what WAI is looking for in the projects that we fund.
Improve the design of valuable projects and help ensure limited funds are well spent.
Connect with other reviewers.
Be recognized on WAI’s website.
We're looking for expertise in:
Animal behavior
Animal ethics and philosophy
Working with abundant and neglected taxa such as insects and fish
Statistics, modeling, and experimental design
Veterinary medicine
Wildlife management