The importance of considering age when quantifying wild animals’ welfare

Authored by Wild Animal Initiative’s Science Director, Luke Hecht, this paper was published in the December 2021 issue of Biological Reviews.

Four ducklings follow their parent in a grassy field.


Wild animals experience different challenges and opportunities as they mature, and this variety of experiences can lead to different levels of welfare characterizing the day-to-day lives of individuals of different ages. At the same time, most wild animals who are born do not survive to adulthood. Individuals who die as juveniles do not simply experience a homogeneous fraction of the lifetimes of older members of their species; rather, their truncated lives may be characterized by very different levels of welfare. Here, I propose the concept of welfare expectancy as a framework for quantifying wild animal welfare at a population level, given individual-level data on average welfare with respect to age. This concept fits conveniently alongside methods of analysis already used in population ecology, such as demographic sensitivity analysis, and is applicable to evaluating the welfare consequences of human interventions and natural pressures that disproportionately affect individuals of different ages. In order to understand better and improve the state of wild animal welfare, more attention should be directed towards young animals and the particular challenges they face.

Luke Hecht

Luke is Science Director at Wild Animal Initiative. Luke completed his PhD in molecular ecology at Durham University, focusing on the use of population genetics to compare the demographic histories of wild animal populations. Luke has also done research in microbiology and geology related to understanding the limits and signatures of life on Earth and potentially other planets. Luke is located in the United Kingdom.


Wildlife contraception and welfare


Early-life experiences are a priority in wild animal welfare research