Call for proposals
The welfare and ecology of juvenile wild animals
This call for proposals is now closed.
Closing date
August 29, 2021
Grant size
$25,000 - $250,000
Geographic focus
It is tempting to imagine wild animals as healthy adults acting out the optimal life history to which they are adapted. Unfortunately, common life history strategies effectively guarantee that this image is not representative of what most individuals will actually experience. In many species, a minority survive to maturity, even if those who do reach adulthood may be capable of long lives.
The complex life histories of many species mean that juveniles interact with their world differently than adults. They have different capabilities and face different risks. They may inhabit entirely different habitats or even have different body forms, as is often seen in insects and amphibians. This raises the possibility that the truncated lives of animals who die young may be characterized by very different levels of welfare, for better or worse.
At Wild Animal Initiative, our objective is to improve the well-being of as many animals as possible. Therefore, we prioritize work on the most numerous wild animals, such as rodents, fish, and even invertebrates. The same logic leads us to prioritize research into the early lives of wild animals. While only some animals will survive to experience adulthood, a much greater proportion experience what life is like as a juvenile member of their species.
Therefore, we are pleased to solicit proposals for research on the welfare, ecology, and everyday experiences of juvenile wild animals. Relevant projects might include studies that extend captive animal welfare assessment techniques to juvenile wild animals, or those that demonstrate how ecological concepts can relate to wild animal health and wellbeing. Additional example projects are provided here.
How to apply
Read the call for proposals, which includes our selection criteria and examples of eligible activities.
Complete the brief expression of interest form by August 29, 2021.
In September, we will invite select applicants to submit full proposals (due December 5, 2021).
Decisions are expected by January 28, 2022.
Please contact grants@wildanimalinitiative.org with any questions.