Our researchers
Simon Eckerström Liedholm
wildlife contraception | Population density | fish welfare | invertebrate welfare | invertebrate population control | biostatistics
Current projects
Modeling the welfare impact of wildlife fertility control in populations regulated by density-dependent processes.
The effects of the New World screwworm on wild animal welfare.
Injuries and welfare in wild fish.
Analyzing the welfare effects of agricultural insect control methods.
About Simon
Simon Eckerström Liedholm is a Strategy Researcher at Wild Animal Initiative. Simon’s research focuses on population dynamics, wild animal welfare interventions like wildlife contraception, and the welfare effects of injuries. He has previously researched how information campaigns affect people’s decisions about whether to keep their cats indoors, and written a report on the persistence and reversibility of interventions to improve wild animal welfare. His current work includes a joint project with Luke Hecht modeling the effects of contraception — an extension of his previous work on density dependence and wildlife contraception — and a project on the welfare effects of injuries in wild, free-living fish.
Before joining Wild Animal Initiative, Simon defended his PhD thesis at Stockholm University, focusing on behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, and brain size evolution in fish. He has taught advanced biostatistical methods and fish biology to master’s and PhD students, and has supervised graduate student research projects. He has also organized multiple field trips for Master's students on a marine biology course.
Simon’s Library posts
Selected publications
*Eckerström Liedholm, S., Hecht, L., & Elliott, V. (2024). Improving wild animal welfare through contraception. BioScience, 74(10), 695–700. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biae071
*Jeanson, A. L., Dietrich Gotzek, Mam, K., Hecht, L., Charvet, P., Eckerström-Liedholm, S., Cooke, S. J., Pool, T., Elliott, V., & Torres, Y. (2022). Inland Fisheries Management - Case Studies of Inland Fish. In Mehner, T., & Tockner, K. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (pp. 343–354). https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-819166-8.00170-5
Sowersby, W., Eckerström‐Liedholm, S., Rowiński, P. K., Balogh, J., Eiler, S., Upstone, J. D., Gonzalez‐Voyer, A., & Rogell, B. (2022). The relative effects of pace of life‐history and habitat characteristics on the evolution of sexual ornaments: A comparative assessment. Evolution, 76(1). https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.14358
Sowersby, W., Eckerström-Liedholm, S., Kotrschal, A., Näslund, J., Rowiński, P., Gonzalez-Voyer, A., & Rogell, B. (2021). Fast life-histories are associated with larger brain size in killifishes. Evolution, 75(9), 2286–2298. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.14310
Rowiński, P. K., Sowersby, W., Joacim Näslund, Eckerström‐Liedholm, S., Gotthard, K., & Björn Rogell. (2021). Variation in developmental rates is not linked to environmental unpredictability in annual killifishes. Ecology and Evolution, 11(12), 8027–8037. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7632
Rowiński, P. K., Laurila, A., Gotthard, K., Sowersby, W., Lind, M. I., Richter-Boix, A., Eckerström-Liedholm, S., & Rogell, B. (2020). Parental effects influence life history traits and covary with an environmental cline in common frog populations. Oecologia, 192(4), 1013–1022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04642-8
Eckerström‐Liedholm, S., Sowersby, W., Morozov, S., Bijl, W., Rowiński, P. K., Gonzalez‐Voyer, A., & Rogell, B. (2019). Macroevolutionary evidence suggests trait‐dependent coevolution between behavior and life‐history. Evolution, 73(11), 2312–2323. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.13845
Eckerström-Liedholm, S., Sowersby, W., Gonzalez-Voyer, A., & Rogell, B. (2017). Time-limited environments affect the evolution of egg–body size allometry. Evolution, 71(7), 1900–1910. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.13286
Corral-López, A., Eckerström-Liedholm, S., Der Bijl, W. V., Kotrschal, A., & Kolm, N. (2015). No association between brain size and male sexual behavior in the guppy. Current Zoology, 61(2), 265–273. https://doi.org/10.1093/czoolo/61.2.265
Oliveira, M. B., Eckerström Liedholm, S., Lopez, J. E., Lochte, A. A., Pazio, M., Martin, J. P., Mörch, P. R., Salakka, S., York, J., Yoshimoto, A., & Janssen, R. (2014). Expression of arthropod distal limb-patterning genes in the onychophoran Euperipatoides kanangrensis. Development Genes and Evolution, 224(2), 87–96. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00427-014-0466-z
*Denotes papers published while working at Wild Animal Initiative.